Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Years Eve 2017

How did we get here so fast? It only seems like yesterday that we saw 2017 in.

Like all years 2017 has had its ups and downs and it kicked off on a low but thankfully has ended on a high. It has been interesting going back through the photos taken this year and reflecting on things. A lot has happened in the past year, to me personally, my family, the extended family and especially my quilting. 

There haven't been a lot of personal completions this year (an increase of days working has impacted there) but through the club more than 48 quilts have gone to two local charities with 18 of those going to Homes of Hope. There were a lot of Tuesday's spent cutting, measuring and stitching and a special thank you to my friends for supporting me through all of this. 

My blogging has become spasmodic while my instagramming has been consistent and while I do enjoy both I will continue to Instagram more than I blog but will work on being more regular with the blog posts. Sometimes it is hard to find the hours in the day to share what's happening in the moments.

Binding going on Harlan's quilt

Visiting Maroochydore and catching up with my sister and her family and meeting the youngest member of the family, Harlan, my great nephew was a highlight for 2017. It has been a while since hubby and I have ventured far from home and it was great to have some time away and relax. I'm one of three girls and we are now all Nana's. Being a nana is my most favourite thing in the world and seeing my sister become one was very special, knowing she is now experiencing similar moments with her grandy that I have with mine. Here is hubby with Harlan...

Something that has had a huge impact on my daily life for the second half of the year at least has been the arrival of our newest family member Milly Molly Mandy or Milly for short. She is the sweetest, most laid back, good natured dog I have ever met. She is an absolute delight to share the house with. Milly also loves walking on the beach as much as I do and we get there as often as we can.

Symposium held in Christchurch at the beginning of October was definitely a highlight for 2017. What an amazing experience, catching up with old friends and making new ones in a week of quilting classes, lectures, exhibitions and entertainment. I can't wait for Symposium Auckland in 2019. 

My painted piece ready for some thread sketching, lots of learning for me and definitely a change in perspective. I take a lot more photos now of a range of subject matter that may make interesting pieces. I love learning new things everyday and also seeing what tomorrow will bring.

Have a Happy New Year and keep yourselves safe.
Happy stitching everyone.